Circular - Rotary Polishers & Accessories

Rotary / Circular polishers were the first kind of electrical polisher and remain the preferred tool of professional detailers. While dual-action polishers are often recommended for their ease of use, circular / rotary polishers give the user more control over the motion of the pad. Circular / rotary polishers are excellent for collectors and skilled detailers who demand perfection.

Because circular / rotary polishers supply only a rotating motion, it is up to the user to keep the polisher moving. This enables the user to concentrate on particularly tough scratches or oxidation. A consistent circular motion will wear down the edges of deep scratches more effectively than a dual-action polisher, but there is also a greater risk of burning the paint. With a circular / rotary polisher, a skilled user will be able to minimize the risk while still achieving a perfectly smooth finish.

By giving the user more control, a circular / rotary polisher also allows you to work at a pace that is comfortable for you. Whereas a dual-action polisher seems to propel itself, an orbital polisher requires your attention to detail to produce the best results. Circular / Rotary polishers are ideal for experienced detailers who don’t trust their prized vehicle to anyone else.

Read about our rotary polishers and accessories below to select the combination of products that will work best for your vehicle. If you are not sure of your skill level, or are new to mechanical polishing, check out our selection of dual-action polishers.