A molded urethane backing plate for excellent flexibility and balance.
If German carmakers think this backing plate is good enough to use on theirtop-of-the-line vehicles, you can bet it is the best plate you can buy for yourvehicle. BMW and Mercedes-Benz both hail these backing plates as the bestbecause of the outstanding properties of molded urethane. These Dual-ActionFlexible Backing Plates minimize heat transfer, flexes to hug your vehicle’scurves, and are built to last. And they are the best backing plates you can buyfor the Porter Cable 7424XP.
Molded Urethane is where it’s at. This material is flexible yet incrediblydurable. This plate will last through countless, rigorous uses without fallingapart or becoming unbalanced. Balancing is essential when it comes to polishersbecause an unbalanced plate will bounce, leaving an uneven finish. Thereinforced inner construction uses steel struts molded into the center hub togive the plate stability and maintain an even surface for your pad.
Another benefit of urethane is its resistance to heat. The Flex Backing Plateminimizes the transfer of heat from the motor to the paint to prevent burning.Spontaneous heat build-up is also reduced.
Remove and replace pads easily from the hook & loop surface. The hook & loop is moldedinto the plate so it will not come off.
This plate is great for the Porter Cable 7424XP because it has a generous edge.Even if you turn the pad onto its side accidentally, there is an inch of flexible,beveled urethane between the edge of the plate and the inner construction. Thebacking plate fits any polisher that accepts a 5/16” thread.
Use the backing plate preferred by some of the leading car manufacturers in theworld to put the final touches on their vehicles. Our Dual-Action Flexible Backing Plate provides the safest, most durablesurface for your pads so that you get the best performance possible from your dual-action polisher.