For cleaning paint, rims, and spokes, this stuff ain't no joke!
Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover is and expert level cleaner for your paint and wheels that will remove any and all road grime and iron contaminants that have imbedded themselves in while you drive. Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover is fast acting, eliminating contaminants from your wheels and paint in minutes with limited agitation needed! If you are the kind of detailer that hates the thought of small iron particles pitting your wheels or eroding your clearcoat, Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover is the product you need!
Iron fallout is one of the most dangerous substances for anyone who cares about the health of their car's wheels and paint. These miniscule particles are created when you or other drivers press their breaks, from industrial sites, and many other causes. As you drive, these particles land on your paint and imbed themselves. In the case of your wheels, every time you press your brakes, little particles of your brake pads are flying off and getting imbedded in your wheels. Over time, these particles rust a erode away the surface of your wheels and clear coat, causing severe pitting. These particles need to be removed frequently to avoid major damage!
Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover make protecting your wheels and paint from these dangerous iron particles incredibly easy! Simply spraying Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover onto the surface of your wheels or paint and letting it sit to do its work is all that is needed in most cases. If your wheels are particularly dirty, you may need to use a wheel brush to agitate the surface. All in all, Hybrid Solutions PRO All Wheel Cleaner + Iron Remover does the bulk of the work for you, making keeping your wheels and paint in mint condition much easier!
23 oz.