Much more utility than your average car wash!
Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash pushes the limits of what you can expect from a wash by being not only versatile, but also effective and safe! Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash does not degrade any waxes, sealants, or coatings that are already on your paint, saving you the hassle of having to reapply them every time you wash your car! The incredible foaming potential of Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash allows it to encapsulate dirt and grime, keeping it off the paint surface and preventing washing-induced swirls! Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash provides a ton of lubricity to further reduce the risk of scratches and swirls! In fact, it is so slick, you can even use Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash as a lubricant for claying your paint!
Washing your car is the single most important step in making sure that your car looks great for as long as possible! If you are not washing your car regularly, you are allowing contaminants and grime to build up on the surface and slowly eat away at the precious little clear coat that is protecting it! But washing your car with any old soap is not going to cut it! You need to make sure you are using the highest-quality car shampoo out there to really make sure that you are doing you due diligence! And Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash is the perfect car shampoo for that!
Foam is especially important when washing your car! This is because foam will trap dirt and contaminants in the bubbles of the foam. This keeps them lifted off the surface of your paint, preventing them from getting dragged across the surface while you wash! The dragging of dirt and contaminants across your paint is what causes dreaded washing-induced swirls! Luckily for you, Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash generates and amazing amount of foam! This thick foam will rest on the surface and help to pull those dangerous contaminants off, helping to ensure a safe and effect clean!
Foam is not the only important factor in a car shampoo though. While foam is great at keeping dangerous substances off your paint, no amount of foam is capable preventing 100%. This is where the lubricity (or slickness) of the car shampoo comes into play. If the car shampoo has enough lubrication, these lubricants will reduce friction on the surface while you are washing. Since less friction means less chance of scratches, you want as much as you can get. This is why Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash was formulated with as much lubricants as possible! Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash is so slick, you can even use it as a clay lubricant!
Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash will even save you even more money due to it's wax, sealant, and coating safe formula! Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash will not breakdown your waxes or sealants while you wash, leaving them on the surface and saving you from having to reapply them!
64 oz.