Don’t forget, your pads need some conditioning too!
With detailing, no step is too small, that includes making sure your polishing pads are ready to go. DP Polishing Pad Conditioner primes new and freshly washed pads for buffing. DP Polishing Pad Conditioner has extra lubricating ingredients to make sure that dry buffing is no longer an issue. DP Polishing Pad Conditioner also helps to prevent swirls and scratches that are left behind when using improperly used pads. Pads are a critical part in detailing, using them in the wrong way can seriously derail your whole project. A pad that is not well maintained can cause more damage than good. You need well-conditioned and primed pads so that when it comes to an important step like polishing, you aren’t making more work for yourself by the pad causing additional marring.
New pads may be shiny and new, but they need a little bit of assistance before they get to polishing or compounding. DP Polishing Pad Conditioner primes new and freshly washed pads for buffing. This conditioner is packed with extra lubricating ingredients to stop dry buffing. What is dry buffing? Dry buffing happens when the pad simply drags against the surface with not even a drop of wetness between the two. Dry buffing leads to fine swirls and scratches left behind in the paint. This is not ideal and is just making more work for yourself. With DP Polishing Pad Conditioner, you get the lubrication you need for a smooth glide without marring.
Directions for use:
1. Spray DP Polishing Pad Condition directly on the face of new pad.
2. Work into the surface of pad before you begin to polish or compound.
16 oz.